Renew your Membership Membership Renewal Membership Level * Note* Early Bird Membership will automatically apply on applications before 30/06/2024 Sole Trader $99 Individual (No Business) $99 Community Organisation $99 Small Business (2-15 Employees) $120 Large Enterprise (15+ Employees) $150 What has been the best part of your membership so far? * What could be improved on? * What would you like to see more of? * Personal Details Name * First Name Last Name Contact Email * Contact Number (no spaces) Would you like to continue your Affiliate Membership with Business NSW? Yes I would like to continue my affiliate membership Business Details (Update if changed) Business Name Website http:// Social Media Link (Facebook or Instagram) Business Contact Number (No Spaces) Business Address Address 1 Address 2 City State/Province Zip/Postal Code Country Business ABN Consent I agree to follow the rules of GIBC as set out in the Associations Constitution and Objectives Thank you for renewing your GIBC Membership and continuing to create a vibrant Glen Innes and surrounds!We will email you shortly with an invoice for payment.Many Thanks,The GIBC Committee